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Title IV-A Profile

State Coordinator: Emily Holder
Email: emily.holder@dpi.wi.gov
Organization: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Title IV, Part A Website: https://dpi.wi.gov/titleiva

Title IV, Part A State Allotment

  • (FY 2017* Actual): 5,714,872
  • (FY 2018 Actual): 14,272,127
  • (FY 2019 Actual): 14,834,585
  • (FY 2020 Actual): 15,359,131
  • (FY 2021 Actual): 14,778,705
  • (FY 2022 Actual): 15,988,019
  • (FY 2023 Actual): 16,235,254
  • (FY 2024 Preliminary): 17,752,173


SCG Director: Erick Blasing
Email: Erick.blasing@dpi.wi.gov
Organization: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
SCG Website: https://dpi.wi.gov/sspw/stronger-connections-grant-program
SCG State Allotment: 12,509,470

*In FY 2017, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017 (Pub. L 115-31) (Appropriations Act) provides SEAs with the option of making Title IV-A Student Support and Academic Enrichment Program subgrants to LEAs through the formula in the program statute, on a competitive basis (as described in the Appropriations Act), or via a combination of the competitive and formula methods. The 2017 Consolidated Appropriations Act can be found at: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/244