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What is the T4PA Center?

The Title IV, Part A Technical Assistance Center (T4PA Center) operates on behalf of the U.S. Department of Education (ED), Office of Safe and Supportive Schools (OSSS) and provides state education agencies (SEAs) with dedicated support for implementing the Title IV, Part A (Title IV-A) Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) program, the Stronger Connections Grant (SCG) program, and the Expanding Access to Well-Rounded Courses demonstration grant (Course Access) program.

What Does the T4PA Center Do?

The T4PA Center provides assistance to SEA teams responsible for administering the SSAE, SCG, and Course Access programs by developing and disseminating high-quality resources, information, and trainings, as well as by organizing and maintaining a network of SEA staff members and subject matter experts who work together to ensure programmatic success. In partnership with ED, the T4PA Center works with State Coordinators (SCs) and other SEA team members to identify grant implementation needs, develop tailored plans to address these needs, and broker support to build capacity at the state and local levels.

Much of the T4PA Center’s work involves assisting SEA staff members in their work establishing and administering systems for applying for program funds and reviewing applications; understanding program requirements; distributing funds; and reporting on, monitoring, and evaluating fund use and program activities. In this capacity, the T4PA Center:

  • Offers training and technical assistance (TA) support to SCs and other SEA team members, including the development of customized TA and training plans based on needs;
  • Operates a help desk including a T4PA Center email, toll-free phone line, and online request form to deliver responsive TA;
  • Hosts a comprehensive website and social media account;
  • Creates resources, trainings, and other materials related to program administration and implementation for SEAs and for SEAs to distribute to local education agencies (LEAs);
  • Maintains a comprehensive library of resources relevant to grant programs;
  • Coordinates a dedicated community of practice; and
  • Provides multiple forums for SEA cohort collaboration, including an online Portal and virtual and in-person events.

These efforts help to ensure the success of the SSAE, SCG, and Course Access programs at national, state, and local levels.

What Programs Does the T4PA Center Support?

The T4PA Center provides dedicated support to the following programs:

Title IV, Part A (Title IV-A) Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) Program

This Title IV-A program supports state, local, school, and community-based efforts to improve students’ academic achievement by focusing on three priority content areas:

  • Promoting student access to a Well-Rounded Education (WRE),
  • Fostering Safe and Healthy Students (SHS), and
  • Building capacity in education to improve the Effective Use of Technology (EUT) to increase academic achievement and improve digital literacy.

Stronger Connections Grant (SCG) Program

This program, a provision of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA), allocated $1 billion to SEAs to award to high-need LEAs through a competitive subgrant process to create safer and healthier learning environments. SCG funds support the development and implementation of programs and activities to support safe and healthy students as described in Section 4108 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. ED encouraged grantees to use funds to design and implement these student-centered activities, policies, programs, and practices to engender safe, inclusive, nurturing, welcoming, and supportive school environments.

Expanding Access to Well-Rounded Courses (Course Access) Program

This demonstration grant program funds SEA efforts to provide well-rounded educational opportunities that expand students’ access to courses (e.g., Advanced Placement classes, Career and Technical Education, virtual/remote courses, arts and STEAM classes).

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Priority Content Areas

  • Well-Rounded Education (WRE)
  • Safe and Healthy Students (SHS)
  • Effective Use of Technology (EUT)


  • Serve the needs of the Title IV-A State coordinators
  • Collaborate with Federal partners and other organizations
  • Help facilitate ED’s goals for program success

Contact Us

Help Desk Toll-Free Number: (833) 404–4845

Help Desk Email: info@T4PACenter.org

T4PA Center Comprehensive Website: https://t4pacenter.ed.gov